
नंदनवन Meaning in English

नंदनवन Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of नंदनवन

Hindi Meaning of नंदनवन

English Meaning of नंदनवन

English Meaning of नंदनवन
Nandanvan translates to **"The Garden of Paradise"** in English. It is a reference to a mythical garden in Hindu mythology, believed to be the abode of the god Indra. It's known for its eternal beauty, lush greenery, and exquisite flowers. Here are some additional details * **Nandan** This word means "joy" or "bliss". * **Van** This word means "forest" or "garden". So, Nandanvan literally translates to "The Forest of Joy" or "The Garden of Bliss", both conveying the idea of an idyllic, paradise-like place.