
निरमा Meaning in English

निरमा Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of निरमा

Hindi Meaning of निरमा

English Meaning of निरमा

English Meaning of निरमा
The word "निर्मा" (nirma) doesn't have a single, direct English translation. Its meaning depends heavily on context. It's likely a derivative of the root word "निर्माण" (nirman), which means "creation," "construction," or "building." Therefore, "nirma" could refer to * **A creation** Something that has been created or built. * **A part of a creation** A component or element within a larger creation. * **The act of creating something (in a specific context)** This would depend heavily on the sentence where it's used. To get a precise English translation, you need to provide the sentence or phrase where "निर्मा" is used.