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आज सुबह बरसे।
It rained this morning.
कल रात भर बरसे।
It rained all last night.
पिछले हफ्ते बहुत बरसे।
It rained a lot last week.
नदी जोरों से बरसे।
The river flowed strongly.
आँसुओं की धारा बरसे।
A stream of tears flowed.
उसके बालों से पसीना बरसे।
Sweat poured from his hair.
उसने मेरे ऊपर उपहार बरसे।
He showered me with gifts.
खुशियाँ मुझ पर बरसे।
Happiness showered upon me.
उसने मुझ पर आशीर्वाद बरसे।
He showered me with blessings.
बारिश पानी की तरह बरसे।
The rain poured like water.
वह अपनी भावनाएँ मुझ पर बरसे।
He poured his emotions on me.
उसने मेरे ऊपर क्रोध बरसे।
He poured his anger on me.
उसने अपना पैसा बरसे।
He spent his money lavishly.
वह समय बरसे।
He spent his time.
उसने अपनी ऊर्जा बरसे।
He spent his energy.
वर्ष बरसे।
Years passed.
कई साल बरसे।
Many years passed.
दिन बरसे।
Days passed.
आशीर्वाद बरसे।
Blessings fell.
फूल बरसे।
Flowers fell.
पत्ते बरसे।
Leaves fell.
उसने अपना धन बरसे।
He scattered his wealth.
उसने बीज बरसे।
He scattered the seeds.
उसने फूल बरसे।
He scattered the flowers.
भगवान ने उन पर कृपा बरसे।
God bestowed his grace upon them.
उसने मुझ पर दया बरसे।
He bestowed his mercy upon me.
उसने अपने प्यार बरसे।
He bestowed his love.
उसने अपने बच्चों पर प्यार बरसे।
He lavished love on his children.
वह अपने समय बरसे।
He lavished his time.
वह अपने धन बरसे।
He lavished his money.
उसने उपहारों से मुझे नवाज़ा।
He showered me with gifts.
उसने आशीर्वादों से मुझे नवाज़ा।
He showered me with blessings.
प्रकृति ने हमें अपनी सुंदरता से नवाज़ा।
Nature showered us with its beauty.
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