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यथा Meaning in English


यथा संभवम् कार्य करणीयम्।

As much as possible, work should be done.

यथा आज्ञा, तथा कार्यम् अकरोत्।

As commanded, he did the work.

यथा स्थितिः, तथा व्यवहारः करणीयः।

As per the situation, action should be taken.


यथा शक्यम्, सहायता करणीया।

As much as possible, help should be given.

यथा तस्य वचनम्, तथा अकरोत्।

He did as he was told.

यथा दृश्यते, तथा लिखत।

Write as it is seen.

according to

यथा नियमः, कार्य करणीयम्।

Work should be done according to rules.

यथा आदेशः, तथा पालनं करणीयम्।

According to the order, it should be followed.

यथा शास्त्रम्, तथा आचरणं करणीयम्।

According to the scriptures, conduct should be done.

just as

यथा सूर्यः प्रकाशयति, तथा ज्ञानं प्रकाशयति।

Just as the sun illuminates, so does knowledge illuminate.

यथा वृक्षः फलं उत्पादयति, तथा कर्म फलं उत्पादयति।

Just as a tree bears fruit, so does karma bear fruit.

यथा पुष्पं सुगन्धं यच्छति, तथा सत्कर्म सुखं यच्छति।

Just as a flower gives fragrance, so does good deeds give happiness.

in the manner of

यथा राजा आज्ञापयति, तथा सर्वे पालयन्ति।

In the manner that the king commands, everyone follows.

यथा गुरुः उपदिशति, तथा शिष्यः पालयति।

In the manner that the teacher teaches, the student follows.

यथा योग्यं, तथा व्यवहारः करणीयः।

In the appropriate manner, action should be taken.


यथा पूर्वम्, तथा अद्य अपि।

Similarly, today also.

यथा तत्, तथा एतत् अपि।

Similarly, this too.

यथा कुशलं, तथा अकुशलं अपि।

Similarly, there is also unskillfulness.


यथा पुरुषः, तथा स्त्री अपि।

Equally, woman also.

यथा धनवान्, तथा निर्धनः अपि।

Equally, the poor also.

यथा बलवान्, तथा दुर्बलः अपि।

Equally, the weak also.

to the extent that

यथा शक्तिः, तथा कार्यं करणीयम्।

To the extent of ability, work should be done.

यथा समयः, तथा कार्यं समापयनीयम्।

To the extent of time, work should be completed.

यथा आवश्यकता, तथा साधनं संग्रहणीयम्।

To the extent of need, resources should be collected.


यथा गच्छसि, तत्र आगच्छ।

Where you go, come there.

यथा वससि, तत्र एव तिष्ठ।

Where you live, stay there.

यथा दृश्यते, तत्र एव गच्छ।

Where it is seen, go there.

as far as

यथा सम्भवम्, सहायता करावे।

As far as possible, help should be given.

यथा शक्यम्, प्रयत्नं करावे।

As far as possible, effort should be made.

यथा समयः, कार्यं समापय।

As far as time permits, complete the work.


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