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उसको राजसिको स्वभावले उसलाई सफल बनायो।
His passionate nature made him successful.
राजसिको नेताले जनतालाई आकर्षित गर्यो।
The passionate leader attracted the people.
उसको राजसिको प्रकृतिले उसलाई समस्यामा पार्यो।
His passionate nature caused him problems.
उनी राजसिको र काममा सक्रिय थिए।
He was energetic and active in his work.
राजसिको युवाले नयाँ विचार ल्याए।
The energetic youth brought new ideas.
राजसिको वातावरणले सबैलाई उत्साहित बनायो।
The energetic atmosphere excited everyone.
उसको राजसिको लक्ष्य थियो धेरै पैसा कमाउनु।
His ambitious goal was to earn a lot of money.
राजसिको व्यक्ति सधैं अगाडि बढ्न चाहन्छ।
An ambitious person always wants to move forward.
उनको राजसिको योजनाले सबैलाई चकित पारेको थियो।
His ambitious plan surprised everyone.
उनी राजसिको नेता थिए।
He was a dynamic leader.
राजसिको बजारले नयाँ अवसरहरू प्रदान गर्दछ।
The dynamic market provides new opportunities.
राजसिको परिवर्तनले समाजलाई असर गर्यो।
The dynamic change affected society.
उनी राजसिको जीवन बिताउँछन्।
He lives an active life.
राजसिको समाजमा धेरै गतिविधिहरू छन्।
There are many activities in an active society.
राजसिको सहभागिताले कार्यक्रम सफल बनायो।
Active participation made the event successful.
उनी राजसिको निर्णय गर्छन्।
He makes impulsive decisions.
राजसिको व्यवहारले समस्या निम्त्यायो।
Impulsive behavior caused problems.
राजसिको प्रतिक्रियाले सबैलाई आश्चर्यचकित पार्यो।
The impulsive reaction surprised everyone.
उनी राजसिको भावनाले भरिएका थिए।
He was filled with intense emotions.
राजसिको प्रतिस्पर्धाले सबैलाई थकायो।
The intense competition tired everyone.
राजसिको तालिमले उसलाई थकायो।
The intense training tired him.
उनको राजसिको बोलीले सबैलाई प्रभावित गर्यो।
His forceful speech impressed everyone.
राजसिको नेतृत्वले परिवर्तन ल्यायो।
Forceful leadership brought change.
राजसिको प्रयासले सफलता मिल्यो।
Forceful efforts brought success.
उनी राजसिको व्यक्ति हुन्।
He is a powerful person.
राजसिको सरकारले धेरै काम गर्यो।
The powerful government did a lot of work.
राजसिको प्रभावले सबैलाई छोयो।
The powerful influence touched everyone.
उनको राजसिको व्यक्तित्वले सबैलाई दबायो।
His dominating personality suppressed everyone.
राजसिको विचारले बहसलाई नियन्त्रण गर्यो।
The dominating idea controlled the debate.
राजसिको खेलले प्रतिद्वन्द्वीलाई हरायो।
The dominating game defeated the opponent.
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