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लेगी Meaning in English

will take

वह किताब लेगी।

She will take the book.

वह बस लेगी।

She will take the bus.

वह जिम्मेदारी लेगी।

She will take the responsibility.

will carry

वह बोझ लेगी।

She will carry the burden.

वह सामान लेगी।

She will carry the luggage.

वह बैग लेगी।

She will carry the bag.

will get

उसे नौकरी लेगी।

She will get a job.

वह पुरस्कार लेगी।

She will get the award.

वह प्रमोशन लेगी।

She will get a promotion.

will bring

वह फल लेगी।

She will bring fruits.

वह पानी लेगी।

She will bring water.

वह खिलौने लेगी।

She will bring toys.

will fetch

वह पानी लेगी।

She will fetch water.

वह डॉक्टर को लेगी।

She will fetch the doctor.

वह दवा लेगी।

She will fetch the medicine.

will receive

उसे पत्र लेगी।

She will receive a letter.

वह उपहार लेगी।

She will receive a gift.

वह पैसा लेगी।

She will receive money.

will adopt

वह बच्चे को लेगी।

She will adopt a child.

वह कुत्ते को लेगी।

She will adopt a dog.

वह नीति लेगी।

She will adopt a policy.

will assume

वह जिम्मेदारी लेगी।

She will assume responsibility.

वह नेतृत्व लेगी।

She will assume leadership.

वह भूमिका लेगी।

She will assume the role.

will consider

वह प्रस्ताव लेगी।

She will consider the proposal.

वह सलाह लेगी।

She will consider the advice.

वह सुझाव लेगी।

She will consider the suggestion.

will borrow

वह किताब लेगी।

She will borrow a book.

वह पैसा लेगी।

She will borrow money.

वह गाड़ी लेगी।

She will borrow a car.

will buy

वह कपड़े लेगी।

She will buy clothes.

वह सब्जी लेगी।

She will buy vegetables.

वह फल लेगी।

She will buy fruits.


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