
संवेदनशील Meaning in English

संवेदनशील Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of संवेदनशील

Hindi Meaning of संवेदनशील

English Meaning of संवेदनशील

English Meaning of संवेदनशील
The English translation of "संवेदनशील" depends on the context, but it generally means * **Sensitive** This is the most common translation, referring to being easily affected by external stimuli or emotions. * **Responsive** This emphasizes the ability to react to something, often in a positive way. * **Delicate** This suggests a fragility or vulnerability to being hurt or damaged. * **Emotional** This specifically focuses on being easily affected by feelings. * **Perceptive** This highlights the ability to understand and be aware of things. **Here are some examples of "संवेदनशील" used in different contexts** * **संवेदनशील मुद्दा (sensitive issue)** A topic that is delicate and can easily cause offense. * **संवेदनशील त्वचा (sensitive skin)** Skin that is easily irritated by products or the environment. * **संवेदनशील व्यक्ति (sensitive person)** Someone who is easily affected by emotions or external stimuli. * **संवेदनशील प्रतिक्रिया (responsive reaction)** A quick and positive response to something. To get the most accurate translation, it's important to consider the specific context in which "संवेदनशील" is used.