
सानिध्य Meaning in English

सानिध्य Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of सानिध्य

Hindi Meaning of सानिध्य

English Meaning of सानिध्य

English Meaning of सानिध्य
"Sānidhya" in English can have several meanings, depending on the context. Here are a few **1. Proximity** This is the most common meaning of "sānidhya." It refers to the state of being close to someone or something, physically or figuratively. **2. Presence** "Sānidhya" can also refer to the actual presence of someone or something. This implies a feeling of being in the company of that person or thing, even if not physically close. **3. Nearness** This meaning emphasizes the closeness in terms of relationship, connection, or understanding. It can be used to describe a strong bond or a close affinity between two people or entities. **4. Fellowship** "Sānidhya" can also convey the feeling of companionship or shared experience. This meaning emphasizes the sense of being together and supporting each other. **5. Intimacy** In some contexts, "sānidhya" can also suggest a sense of intimacy or closeness in a romantic or spiritual sense. The best translation of "sānidhya" will depend on the specific context in which it is used. If you can provide me with more context, I can give you a more precise translation.