
स्थूल Meaning in English

स्थूल Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of स्थूल

Hindi Meaning of स्थूल

English Meaning of स्थूल

English Meaning of स्थूल
The Hindi word "स्थूल" (sthūla) has a few meanings in English, depending on the context. The most common translations are * **Gross** This refers to the overall or total amount, without considering finer details. For example, "gross weight" or "gross income." It can also mean something large, bulky, or unrefined. * **Coarse** This implies a lack of refinement or delicacy, referring to texture, appearance, or manner. For example, "coarse fabric" or "coarse language." * **Massive** This emphasizes the large size or scale of something. * **Thick** This can apply to physical objects, like a "thick rope," or to something less tangible, like "thick fog." * **Material** This meaning emphasizes the physical or worldly aspect, as opposed to the spiritual or subtle. The best translation will depend on the sentence in which "स्थूल" is used.