
स्पंदन Meaning in English

स्पंदन Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of स्पंदन

Hindi Meaning of स्पंदन

English Meaning of स्पंदन

English Meaning of स्पंदन
"Spandan" is a Hindi word that can have a few different meanings in English, depending on the context **1. Vibration** This is the most common meaning of "spandan." It refers to a physical movement or oscillation, like the vibration of a string on a musical instrument. **2. Pulse** This meaning is related to the first one, as the pulse is the rhythmic vibration of blood through arteries. **3. Thrill** This meaning is more figurative and refers to a feeling of excitement, anticipation, or even fear. **4. Heartbeat** This is a direct translation of "spandan" when referring to the physical beating of the heart. **Example sentences** * **"The spandan of the music filled the room."** (Vibration of the music) * **"The doctor checked the patient's spandan."** (Pulse) * **"The spandan of adventure filled her with excitement."** (Thrill) * **"He could feel his spandan quicken with fear."** (Heartbeat) The specific meaning of "spandan" will be clear from the context in which it is used.