
स्वामित्व Meaning in English

स्वामित्व Meaning in English

Hindi Meaning of स्वामित्व

Hindi Meaning of स्वामित्व

English Meaning of स्वामित्व

English Meaning of स्वामित्व
"स्वामित्व" in English can be translated as * **Ownership** - This is the most common and direct translation, referring to the legal right to possess, use, and dispose of something. * **Possession** - This emphasizes the physical control of something, but not necessarily the legal right to it. * **Proprietorship** - This refers to the state of being the owner or proprietor of something. * **Sovereignty** - This is a more specific translation used when talking about the ownership of a country or territory. The best translation will depend on the context in which "स्वामित्व" is used.